
介護英語日記「Instantaneous loneliness」

I have been taking care of my mother for several months.
Although she has been good, she is an excellent forgetter.
She often makes me laugh, so I decided to write our funny conversations in English.

On the way home after going out, my mother and I went to Yoshinoya to have dinner.

We chose ‘Gyuusukinabe’. It was good especially for my mother. I was very glad to see her smile.

We promised to eat it again. After we came home, she talked to me.

“ I met my sister today. She asked me if I ate ‘Gyuusukinabe’.  I said Ok. and we ate it and it was really good. Let’s go next time.“

I hear like this every day. I have been taking care of my mother for 7 months.

At first as I couldn’t accept the present her soon, I replied “No,no it was me. Please remember.”

But nowadays I can accept her little by little.

I could say to her “It was good to see your older sister and had dinner together.”

Although I feel lonely a little.



